Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Dear my Brother and Sisters in the lord, I thank you so much your prayers to the ministry for thru your prayers God has enabled His ministry to accomplish lots of great stuff. Many have given their lives Jesus Christ as their personal lord and savior. Among them is a Sister in the lord who has been and is bed ridden in the hospital for a very long time. Her name is Oliver, she asked her sister to call me on phone so I could go over and baptized and I did as she asked. I did not know how to go about her baptism when she asked to take to the stream for baptism because of her medical condition so I sought advise from some our friends who advised to find out if the hospital she was admitted in has a bath tub and when I checked it out I found there was no bath tub. As I was looking around checking out for tubs I kept praying for medical condition to change. I was so happy for her decision even though I did not know how I was going to be able to do it when I finally got yet another call from her sister saying her sister Oliver was ready to go to the stream for the baptism. I turned around went into her hospital room prayed with her and called a tax to take to the stream by the way I was praying all the time.

The tax cab came over to the hospital and I took her together with her family to the stream because she could not walk 2 miles to the stream.

I baptized her and as soon I finished with her, her big sister Suzan also asked if she could be baptized right away as well. I baptized her also. It so happens that I have known Suzan for almost year and she has been a very active lady participating in all church activities and I have all along been praying for her that she could give her life to Jesus so when I heard her asking to baptized I felt tears of great joy dripping from the inner part of my heart. God is good and able indeed.

We have also been carrying out our house to house preaching programs and they have been very, very successful and exciting for the brothers and Sisters directly involved. The last two Sundays we have been having Christians stand outside of the church building because of lack space in the inside. God’s kingdom is growth day by day, thank you father for using the men, women, boys and girls as your vessels.

Last Saturday was youth volunteer day, we went out and build a house for an old woman with her little orphan grand children. Brother Dick and I went with a crew of about 40 young boys and girls and helped build a house as others went into her garden for weeding. She is a member of the church who we identified among the neediest as far housing is concerned. She was abandoned and left alone with lots of kids. She is a very friendly old women who always puts on a smile even during her most hurting moments. She shares lots even though she almost has nothing, she is a very prayerful old lady and very Godly indeed.

We had a church leaders meeting and I used some of the time to ask the leadership how more helpful we can be to members of the lord’s church who are senior citizens and needy in as far their basic needs are concerned. The leadership came up with great ideas which I hope to share with you in future however all we are praying for is the lord’s wisdom, knowledge and understanding as we take a step of planning and implementation of the ideas because the need is very big however the resources are slim but with God all things a possible.

On behalf of the church and the entire ministry team, I kindly request for your prayers for health and well-being of the members of the lord’s church and the community around because many members of the church and the community around have been attacked by malaria. Brother Odomel, Ruben and about 5 Sisters in the lord are currently admitted to different hospitals with severe malaria which we think is brought about by the change in the weather. We are currently having very heavy rains so it seems the mosquitoes are moving into peoples’ houses to take shelter. It is by the way raining so heavily outside with hailstones right now.

Last was the benevolence Sunday Christians brought lots of food to the church to share with the poor. This is done once months. Lots of people share their food, animals and birds with the poor of our church and the community in general.

God bless you brothers and Sisters as you continually pray for us.

Brother Ronald


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