Monday, June 2, 2008


Dear my Brothers and Sisters in the lord, I thank you so much for the prayers you offer for the lord’s ministry for the lord continually blesses us in many ways for example our cell groups are growing in numbers everyday. We have been having 6 cell groups of 20 people each but last Friday two groups were split into two bringing the cell group number to 8. Whenever the number exceed 20 we split it and get another cell group leader, these groups meet in peoples homes and they also invite their friends over for the bibles study where in turn they invite them to church. They eat together, encourage and pray for one another.

We pray that we might be able to strengthen the children’s class during the main service because the number of kids keeps increasing for example, yesterday we had close to one hundred of them so you really can see the need for a strong class for them. I have been asked by the leadership to try my best to find teaching material for the kids so that they also may learn and enjoy their class.

Could someone be having the kids teaching material, please let me know and we will appreciate.

Yesterday we ran out of space in the church building that Brother Dick and Tadeo had to take the communion outside the building for our brothers and Sisters who could not find space inside. Our sermon yesterday was “DO NOT WAVER”. Three people gave their lives to Jesus during the invitation and we took them down to the stream and baptized them.

Please pray for the young girls and boys as they go back to school after their short holiday. Pray also that the lord may bless the plans the leadership has as far as the ministry is concerned.

God bless you.

Brother Ronald


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