Friday, March 14, 2008


God has given us such a great week, during our midweek service we had 23 people attending. We read the book of Philemon led by brother Tadeo and I. For a long time now, one of our brothers we has been praying for and teaching about Christ gave his life to Jesus. Brother Sam had never been to church for the last 25 years but he started fellowshipping with us in December and ever since then he attends Sunday services and all our midweek and Friday night fellowships so when he accepted and declared Jesus as personal lord and savior we rejoiced. Please pray for Sam and his family.

Last Friday evening bible class was so good and full of humor, brother Bukenya shared with us from the book of Job, he encouraged us to be strong even when we feel weakened in our daily lives. He gave examples of how even in times of trouble Job remained an obedient and loyal servant to God. We had 25 in attendance.

After the bible study we held a leadership meeting on the way forward for the church and it went really well. We shared some of our dreams and we encouraged one another. We talked about the need for seminars for the leaders of the different church ministries that we as a church are carrying on right now.

Would you like to help conduct a leadership and or a church seminar for days or a week? Please let us know, we will be very glad because we need seminars that can help us grow in certain areas. We are looking for people with seminar conducting experiences.

One thing I know is that most Ugandan church leaders love seminars and if ever we get some one or a group of people volunteering to teach, many will attend it including members of other congregations so please let us know by sending me an e-mail.. We encourage men and women from all over the world as long as you feel that the lord is leading and calling you in that direction to serve him by conducting Christian seminars.

May God bless you as you seek to serve him in many parts of the world.


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