Monday, March 24, 2008


Here is the youth work crew with house in the back ground. The third person from the right is the old the old lady. She is 78 yrs and strong. The youth are so happy that they made it here and completed the house. When I asked the old lady what she think now that she has a mud and wattle wall she said "I feel very happy now because I am going to have warm night and I give all glory to God''. We are happy for you too. God bless you and your family.
That space you see as an completed is were she is going to put the window when she gets the money.

It lunch time and the work crew here is enjoying the meal. I missed the picture because I had gone to collect water but all in all I had my share of the meal. Brother Dick said if I may quote him here that" these girls are great cooks" that was very motivational to the girls, thanks a lot. We need more guys like you Dick.

The food girls were very helpful for we felt very energized after eating their greatly prepared meal. Rebecca in a blue shirt , Ket in the light green skirt together with Jackie in the white we directly in charge of food. They made steamed bananas with P nut soup and lots of green vegetables for us. It was so nice.

Boys and girls at work. We thank God for this youth team. They were an inspiration to a youth group of one of the neighbouring church who came by and thanked us. They said the would also help some one with a need that like that. Their pastor came and thanked us for being Christ like. I had an opportunity to share Christ with some village people who wanted to know who we were because of what we were doing.

Sister Jamilah is a former Moslem but here she was acting the senior builder on the wall. We are so proud of girl. She told me she was not feeling well in the morning before we set off. We had some one with pain killers in the crew so she felt good after taking some so she worked some more. Thanks Jamilar

Here is the 4yr Mr Dad carrying some of the wattle, he was fun having around because he encouraged lots of guys to work harder. Thanks a lot dad for you are an encourager.
We kept asking him to rest but the guy could not, he at one time told Sister Rebecca that he is doing what his sister who was absent would if she was present.
Dry banana leaves wall demolition seemed fun for these two because they were already to remove them. At one time the bigger part of the team joined and it was funner for all.

The guys starting to mix water with dirt with the water crew in the background.

The dry banana leaves house before demolition and Dad in the back ground. He is a boy although he is puting on a girls dress. His grandma told us that his only pair of shorts and shirt were wet so he asked his sister to help so he could have something to put on.

Here are some of the youth preparing to leave for work from our church building.

Normally keeping time here is not taken very serious but today I was amazed at how our church youth team kept time for our 7:30am appointment at church.

Yesterday at church all the youth agreed to spend their Easter Monday helping a widow member of the church who lives about 3 miles from Church so the all were at church for take off at 7:30 am. I am the one who delayed them because I could not find a truck for them on time; I called them at 7:45 and apologized for the delay. I showed up at church at 8:00 am with a truck and we took off. We had not informed the old lady that were going to work her house walls so when she saw at jumping off the truck she was surprised.

We got our hoes, shovels and started our work while others went to collect water in the valley about half a mile away, others went to people’s home to buy food, others went for canes of sugar while others started the dry banana leaves demolition which of course was the funniest part to do .

We made the mud and wattle and other guys pressed in the mud in the walls. At 2:00pm we had lunch wile for desert we feasted on the canes of sugar. This was the most funniest and fruitful Easter Monday most of the youth have ever had.

One of the little kids of the old lady’s family was more active than some youth, he carried lots of wattle for the house that he challenged most of the teens; he is about 4 yrs old. They call him dad in the house and to me he really acted like a dad would in the house. He was fun having around and I am sure he made some guys want to work some more that they wanted because whenever they would want to rest, dad would continue working restlessly. Thanks to you dad.

Please enjoy the pictures.


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