Sunday, June 15, 2008


Brother Isaiah took on Jesus as personal lord and savior and was baptized on Tuesday last week. Isaiah is a graduate with a BA and a post graduate diploma in Business Administration. Please remember him in your prayers.
Sunday service was real good for we had loots of children and grown ups.

Here is our group photo, it was fun going out with these guys. It was very relaxing for me. God thank you you so much for your beautiful creations.

Here brother Dick speaking to the group after our three hour walk through the rain forest, this was right after having lunch. He asked them what they thought of their walk in the forest and seeing the wild game in their natural home.

Alright guide where are we? get out your map so we can locate where we are in this natural rain forest. These guys seem to say to guide in the jacket.

This other group went a different direction, they saw more wild game than my group while three other group saw lots of Elephants.

The student were divided into groups of twelve and each group was allocated a guide so here is one of the groups that I was with listening to their guide as he shares something with them about this numbered medicinal tree.

Here are the boys and girls getting ready to take a forest walk to see the wild game.
Dear my Brothers and Sisters in the lord, I thank you so much for the prayers for the lord’s ministry. Because of the prayers the lord continually adds to His church everyday and he strengthens us in all areas.
A lot has been taking place here in the people’s lives. Our church evangelism team has been moving from house to house sharing Christ with many that had not heard about him and many continually have honored our invitation to church.

Our cell groups continue to grow in numbers for example last Friday we met in our member’s home and 17 village mates showed up for the bible study which brought the number of those present during our cell group bible study to 40. I shared about Christ the Living Hope. Two old ladies gave their lives to Christ Jesus and they came to church yesterday. Thank you so much God for Sister Dorothy and Christine.

Our church service was full of the lord’s blessings. All members came with happy faces ready to worship and praise the lord and they indeed did. I led the service and shared the Brothers and Sisters about Returning to the Lord. Three people gave their lives to the lord.

Last week Brother Dick and I took the youth to the one of the National parks and I tell you it was fun through out. We saw lots of Wild game, went saw Crater lakes, learnt about medicinal tree, played games, had a quite time, ate lots of food and returned to our homes praising God for his beautiful creation and also thanked Him for giving us authority over His creation.

I also led three long meetings with the church leadership; we shared about our dreams about the church and the lord’s ministry, where we see the church in future. All in all it was about planning for the church. The second meeting was the women’s meeting and the third one was the men’s meeting. I thank the lord for giving us an opportunity to return to Him. I was very moved by the men’s dreams about the ministry and I give all the glory to him in the heavens.

During the same week, Brother Isaiah took Christ for himself and was baptized. Welcome to the family brother.

Please continue lifting us up in your prayers to the lord for we need your prayers because without them we would not be what we are today.

Pray for all the good dreams we have for His ministry.

God bless you

Brother Ronald

Monday, June 2, 2008


Dear my Brothers and Sisters in the lord, I thank you so much for the prayers you offer for the lord’s ministry for the lord continually blesses us in many ways for example our cell groups are growing in numbers everyday. We have been having 6 cell groups of 20 people each but last Friday two groups were split into two bringing the cell group number to 8. Whenever the number exceed 20 we split it and get another cell group leader, these groups meet in peoples homes and they also invite their friends over for the bibles study where in turn they invite them to church. They eat together, encourage and pray for one another.

We pray that we might be able to strengthen the children’s class during the main service because the number of kids keeps increasing for example, yesterday we had close to one hundred of them so you really can see the need for a strong class for them. I have been asked by the leadership to try my best to find teaching material for the kids so that they also may learn and enjoy their class.

Could someone be having the kids teaching material, please let me know and we will appreciate.

Yesterday we ran out of space in the church building that Brother Dick and Tadeo had to take the communion outside the building for our brothers and Sisters who could not find space inside. Our sermon yesterday was “DO NOT WAVER”. Three people gave their lives to Jesus during the invitation and we took them down to the stream and baptized them.

Please pray for the young girls and boys as they go back to school after their short holiday. Pray also that the lord may bless the plans the leadership has as far as the ministry is concerned.

God bless you.

Brother Ronald